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Generating Interactive Three Dimensional Images on the Computer

  • Дата создания : 21.08.2012
  • Автор : Holloway, Peter William
  • Количество просмотров : 3522

(University of Alberta, Canada)

Generating Interactive Three Dimensional Images on the Computer

Folklorists document objects of material culture: large objects such as buildings or small objects such as ceramics.  These objects can be viewed on the computer as 3 dimensional images.  With small objects it is like turning them in your hands as you look at them.  With buildings it is like standing in a room, looking around, and moving forward to look close at a picture on the wall, or walking into another room.
A series of digital photographs of a ceramic can be made as it is rotated in front of the camera.  A computer program then generates an interactive image.
A single photograph of a room reflected in a parabolic mirror attached to a digital camera is converted into an interactive image. Other images can be linked to it, so that when it is viewed pictures on walls, or other rooms, can be seen.
All these interactive images, and techniques used, can be seen at: www.arts.ualberta.ca/uvp/.
The presentation will include images of: ceramics, Easter eggs, costumes, churches, and houses.

Видеозапись доклада, сделанного 17 ноября 2011 г. в Институте мировой литературы им. А.М. Горького РАН на международной научной конференции «Мультимедийные и цифровые технологии в собирании, сохранении и изучении фольклора»
 Материалы международной научной конференции «Мультимедийные и цифровые технологии в собирании, сохранении и изучении фольклора» (ИМЛИ РАН, 16-18 ноября 2011 г.). Видеоматериалы


(Голосов: 1, Рейтинг: 2.93)
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